Sunday 27 February

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services. We will have a short time of fellowship after the service, with refreshments provided.

11am – How hard it is

This morning we read from Mark 10:23-27, concluding the story of the Rich Young Ruler’s encounter with Jesus.

6pm – From persecutor to persecuted

This evening we turn to Acts 9:10-20 and continue to study Saul’s conversion and subsequent persecution in Damascus.

Sunday 20 February

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services. We will have a short time of fellowship after the service, with refreshments provided.

11am – Obstacles to Heaven

This morning we return to Mark 10:19-22 and the story of the Rich Young Ruler’s encounter with Jesus.

6pm – Spiritual Reality Dawns

This evening we return to Saul’s conversion in Acts 9.

Sunday 13 February

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services. We will have a short time of fellowship after the service, with refreshments provided.

11am – The Rich Young Ruler

This morning we turn continue reading from Mark 10 and verses 17-22. We will consider the rich young ruler’s interaction with the Lord Jesus.

6pm – A man called Saul

This evening we move into Acts 9 and verses 1-7, where we meet Saul.

Sunday 6 February

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services. We will have a short time of fellowship after the service, with refreshments provided.

11am – Then they brought the little children to Jesus

This morning we turn to Mark 10:13-16 where children are brought to Jesus.

NOTE: We experienced connection issues during the morning live stream, resulting in some of the service stream being dropped. A recording of the sermon is available in our sermon archives here.

6pm – In Christ Alone

This evening we return to Acts 8:26-40 and think about the passage that the Ethiopian eunuch was reading from Isaiah 53.

Due to continuing connection issues, we were unable to stream this service in full. A recording of the sermon is available in our sermon archives here.

Sunday 30 January

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services. We will have a short time of fellowship after the service, with refreshments provided.

11am – Adultery

This morning we return to Mark 10:1-12 where we continue to look at Jesus’ teaching on marriage and adultery.

6pm – The God who has a plan

This evening we return Acts 8:26-40 and consider God’s plan for the meeting of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch.

Sunday 23 January

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services. We will have a short time of fellowship after the service, with refreshments provided.

11am – Marriage

his morning we return to Mark 10:1-12 to hear what Jesus taught about marriage.

6pm – A verse for the year

This evening we will be listening to a message by Alistair Begg from Truth for Life. Please join us in the church building to listen together. If you unable to do so, you can listen here:

Sunday 16 January

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services. We will have a short time of fellowship after the service, with refreshments provided.

This Sunday pastor Mike Leaves resumes his sermon series in Mark’s Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. We hope you can join us to hear God’s Word.

11am – Jesus’ teaching on divorce (part 1)

This morning Pastor Mike Leaves returns to our series on Mark’s Gospel, resuming at chapter 10. We will look at Jesus’ response to the Pharisees’ question about divorce.

6pm – The Ethiopian Eunuch

This evening we return to our series in the book of Acts, turning to Acts 8:26-40 and the account of the Ethiopian Eunuch.

Sunday 9 January

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services. We will have a short time of fellowship after the service, with refreshments provided.

This Sunday we welcome our visiting speaker, Steve Foley who will be leading both our morning and evening services.

11am – Don’t look back – look forward!

This morning Steve will be preaching from Philippians chapter 3]#

6pm – Forgot not all His benefits

Join us for our evening service where we will be reading Psalm 103

Sunday 2 January

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm. We will have a short time of fellowship after the service, with refreshments provided.

This week we will be listening to a two-part pre-recorded message by Alistair Begg from Truth for Life ( For those unable to join us in person, links to the two sermons can be found below (click the “Watch” button at the centre-top of the page to access the video recording).

Behold Your God! – Part one:

Behold Your God! – Part two: