Sunday Services 7th February 2021

You are welcome to join our Sunday morning services, which will be streamed live on our YouTube Channel. Direct links to the streams can be found below:

Morning (11am): Feeding the 5,000

On Sunday morning we are in Mark chapter 6 and the feeding of the 5,000. Is this about a miracle or trusting in Jesus?

Evening (6pm): Turning negatives into positives to give God pleasure

In the evening we return to Philippians 1:27-30 and part 2 of “Living a life that God will delight in.”

Sunday Services 31st January 2021

You are welcome to join our Sunday morning services, which will be streamed live on our YouTube Channel. Direct links to the streams can be found below:

Morning (11am): Being Faithful to God

This morning we will continue our study of Mark’s Gospel. This week we look at Mark 6:14-29 and the faithful life of John the Baptist.

Evening (6pm): Living that God will delight in us

This evening we will continue our study of Paul’s letter to the Philippians. The subject of our sermon tonight will be on how we can live to bring delight to God, focussing on Philippians 1:27 – 2:11.