Psalm 27 verse 1: The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear.
The Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid.
The Bible [God’s word] draws a contrast between good and evil in terms of light and darkness. I think we can agree that our world is a dark place at times. There have been terrible times in the past, such as the Concentration Camps of World War 2 and we are living in terrible times today. Jesus spoke of wars and rumours of wars and that is what we have in our times.
With the world as it is, we have every reason to be fearful.
However, trusting God and believing in Jesus who said “He was the light of the world … and the light of life.” [John 8:12]. We should have nothing to fear.
If we believe in Jesus, we are in the light and as Psalm 27 verse 1, tells us, God will be our salvation, through Jesus and He will be our strength for this life.