This morning we return to our series in the book of Exodus, turning to Exodus 14:21-30. God delivers His people from the Egyptians through the middle of the Red Sea!
This morning we continue our series in the book of Exodus, turning to Exodus 14:1-23. Pharaoh and his army pursue the children of Israel as they leaves Egypt. How will…
This Sunday morning we return to our series on Exodus. We are reading from Exodus chapter 13 as the children of Israel finally depart the land of Egypt.
This morning we turn to Exodus 12:29-41 and the departure of the Children of Israel from Egypt.
This morning we return to Exodus 12:14-20 and the institution of the Passover.
This morning we turn to Exodus chapter 12, where the first Passover is instituted. We consider how the lamb killed at the Passover points to Jesus Christ's death on the…
This morning we turn to Exodus 11 to read of the tenth and final plague.
We turn to Exodus chapter 10 this morning, where we read of the ninth plague; total darkness. How will Pharaoh react?
This morning we continue our study in the book of Exodus, reading from Exodus 10:1-2. We will be considering the purpose of the plagues sent to Egypt.
This morning we continue to look at the plagues sent upon Pharaoh and all Egypt in Exodus 9:18 – 34. We will be considering the warning, plague and response to…