This Sunday morning we turn to Mark 8:34 and consider the cost of truly following the Lord Jesus.
For our Good Friday message, we consider three miracles that happened while Jesus was on the cross.
This morning we turn to Mark 14:1-21 where Judas, the disciple Judas is introduced. Who was Judas? Why did he betray Jesus? What made him a condemed man?
No one knows when the Lord Jesus is going to come again, Jesus encourages us to be ready. We turn to Mark 13:24-37 to read Jesus' warnings and encouragements to…
Before the Lord Jesus comes again, there will be difficult and dark days. We turn to Mark 13:14-23 to read Jesus' warnings and encouragements to His disciples.
This morning we turn to Mark 13:9-13 and consider Jesus' warning to the disciples of what will happen as they preach the Gospel in the world.
We continue our study in Mark's Gospel. This week we turn to Mark 13:1-13 and read what Jesus says about what His followers will face in the end times.
For our morning service we turn to Mark 13:1-2 and think about the superiority of eternal treasure in heaven to any found on earth.
This morning we turn to Mark 12:29-44, where Jesus comments on those giving money into the temple treasury. We see the danger of pride and what whole-hearted giving looks like.
We turn to Mark 12:35-44, where we see the humanity and Deity of Jesus displayed in the question Jesus poses.