This evening we read Philippians 4:10-13 and consider how Paul was able to remain content despite his circumstances.
This evening we read Philippians 4:8-9 and consider Paul’s “final” remarks regarding what a Christian should fill their mind with.
This evening we read Philippians 4:4-7 and think about how the Christian can have peace.
This evening we look at an apparent difficulty in the Philippian church, which Paul addresses in Philippians 4:2-3.
This evening we study Philippians chapter 3 and Paul's encouragement to the believers in that church to "stand fast."
This evening we return Philippians chapter 3 and Paul's call to each Christian to live a holy life.
This evening we return Philippians chapter 3 and consider Paul's perspective of the past, present and future.
This evening we return Philippians chapter 3 and why Paul has "no confidence in the flesh" and where instead he places his confidence of salvation.
This evening we return continue to study Philippians; moving into the third chapter, where Paul exhorts the Philippians Christians to "Rejoice in the Lord." We will look at some of…
This evening we return continue to study Philippians chapter 2. This week our focus is on Paul's description of his fellow worker, Epaphroditus in Philippians 2:25-30