This evening we continue our theme from the morning service and consider how Jesus' resurrection brought promotion, partnership and privilege.
We turn to John 20:19-21 and consider the peace, proof and pleasure that Jesus' resurrection brought.
For our Easter Sunday service we turn to Jesus' promise to His disciples, found in Matthew 28:20.
Welcome to our Easter Sunday morning service, where we celebrate that Jesus Christ is risen!
This evening we return to John 12:28 and consider the voice of God which was heard from heaven. Why did God speak and who was he speaking to?
This morning we turn to John 12:28 as we look forward to Easter.
Welcome to our morning service on Easter Sunday. He is risen! Please join us as we celebrate our Saviour's resurrection.
Welcome to our evening service on Easter Sunday. Please join us as we conclude our Easter series by remembering Jesus' resurrection and the significance for the Christian of life after…
Welcome to our Good Friday service. Please join us as we remember Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross for sinners.
We begin Easter week with the second part of our Easter series, looking to Golgatha and Jesus' great sacrifice for sins upon the cross.