We turn to 1 John 1:6, where John gives a test of authentic faith - do we aim to live a holy life?
We turn to Exodus 19:16-25, as Moses prepares to approach the Lord at Mount Sinai.
In the morning we will be returning to our series in Mark's Gospel. After His triumphant entry into Jerusalem, Jesus comes to the temple but finds it full of money…
This evening we continue our mini-series on the attributes of God. However this evening we will be considering an attribute of all humankind - sin. We will consider how we,…
This evening we begin a new mini series. We start with the holiness of God, reading from Isaiah 6.
This evening we return to the second sermon in our mini series on Psalm 24 and look at how we can approach the Holy God.
This morning we continue our mini series in Psalm 15, looking at the list of positives and negatives found in its five verses.