Sunday 23rd March

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 5:30pm

For those joining us online, please note that our morning stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am. Our evening service begins at 5:30pm, with our evening stream starting approximately 5:45pm.

11am – What Christ has done for us

We continue with our passage in Colossians this morning, and this week are are considering what Christ has done for us in the example He has shown us and what this means for us, from Colossians 2:11-15.

5:30pm – The widow’s 2 mites

This evening, we are going to look at a new passage from Mark 12, thinking about the example of the widow, how Jesus spoke about her, we will look at some comparision examples, and what this tells us, in  Mark 12:42-44.

Sunday 16th March

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 5:30pm

For those joining us online, please note that our morning stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am. Our evening service begins at 5:30pm, with our evening stream starting approximately 5:45pm.

11am – All you need is Jesus

This morning we continue our passage in Colossians; this week we are going to consider that ‘all we need is Jesus’ for we are complete in Him, from Colossians 2:8-10.

5:30pm – Conditions for answered prayer

This evening we are going back to 1 John 3; The so called ‘disciple of love’ is once again touching on the topic of prayer, this time some conditions on prayers that are answered, from 1 John 3:22.

Sunday 9th March

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 5:30pm

For those joining us online, please note that our morning stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am. Our evening service begins at 5:30pm, with our evening stream starting approximately 5:45pm.

11am – The Enemy to our Souls

This morning our pastor is back preaching, and we are back to our passage in Colossians, and this week we think about the enemy of our souls and what we can do about them, in Colossians 2:2-8.

5:30pm – Confidence in God

This evening we are going back to 1 John 3; this is time we are thinking about what it means to have confidence in God, and how we should respond from 1 John 3:19-20.

Sunday 2nd March

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 5:30pm

For those joining us online, please note that our morning stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am. Our evening service begins at 5:30pm, with our evening stream starting approximately 5:45pm.

11am – Hosea 3 – Our Faithful God

This week we have another guest speaker, Grant Spratley, and he preaching both morning and evening with us. This morning he is going to be showing us the love of God and a purchase that God makes in Hosea 3:1-5.

5:30pm – 1 John 4:7-12

This evening Grant shows us the love of God again, but this time from the New Testament, in 1 John 4:7-12.

Sunday 23rd February

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 5:30pm

For those joining us online, please note that our morning stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am. Our evening service begins at 5:30pm, with our evening stream starting approximately 5:45pm.

11am – The Love of God

This week we have a guest speaker joining us, Tim Atkins, he will be preaching both morning and evening, and will be telling us about the love of God from Romans 5:1-11.

5:30pm – Israel in the Hands of the Living God

This evening Tim Atkins will be taking us to Amos to show us Israel in the hands of the Living God, in Amos 4:1-13.

Sunday 16th February

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 5:30pm

For those joining us online, please note that our morning stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am. Our evening service begins at 5:30pm, with our evening stream starting approximately 5:45pm.

11am – How do you pray for the church?

This morning we are going to return to our passage in Colossians; this week we consider not just that fact we need to pray for each other, but how we should do so, in Colossians 2:2-3.

5:30pm – Greatest love?

This evening we are going back to 1 John 3; what is the greatest love? This is the question we will be looking into tonight, and how we should be loving out this love from 1 John 3:16-18.

Sunday 9th February

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 5:30pm

For those joining us online, please note that our morning stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am. Our evening service begins at 5:30pm, with our evening stream starting approximately 5:45pm.

11am – Struggles in Prayer

This morning we are going to return to our passage in Colossians; this week we see how even Paul struggles with prayer at times, how prayer can be hard work, in Colossians 2:1.

5:30pm – Love the hallmark of a Christian

This evening we are going back to 1 John 3; another evidence of being a true Christian is love, love for God and love for others, but do we love God’s people? We we ill be thinking about this from 1 John 3:13-15.

Sunday 2nd February

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 5:30pm

For those joining us online, please note that our morning stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am. Our evening service begins at 5:30pm, with our evening stream starting approximately 5:45pm.

11am – What are we to do with the Gospel?

This morning we are going to return to our passage in Colossians, still in Chapter 1; this week we will be looking into gospel, that we should proclaim it, that it takes hard work and there are warnings, in Colossians 1:28-29.

5:30pm – What is the difference between a believer and the world?

This evening we are going back to 1 John 3; we are going to be looking into the difference between what it means to be a believer and what proves it, from 1 John 3:9-10.

Sunday 26th January

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 5:30pm

For those joining us online, please note that our morning stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am. Our evening service begins at 5:30pm, with our evening stream starting approximately 5:45pm.

11am – Mystery

This morning we are going to return to our passage in Colossians, still in Chapter 1; this week we will be looking into the mystery of salvation, hidden in Christ, but also made known in Him also, in Colossians 1:25-27.

5:30pm – 4 Tests and 1 Purpose

This evening we are going back to 1 John 3; we are going to be looking into the tests that the passage contain and the purpose of those tests, from 1 John 3:4-8.

Sunday 19th January

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 5:30pm

For those joining us online, please note that our morning stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am. Our evening service begins at 5:30pm, with our evening stream starting approximately 5:45pm.

11am – Servant of God

This morning we are going to return to our passage in Colossians, still in Chapter 1; this week we will be looking into why and how we are to be servants of God, what this means and how can we live it out in our everyday life, in Colossians 1:25.

5:30pm – Glorious Hope

This evening we are going back to 1 John 3; we will celebrate the glorious hope we have in that we have become children of God, from 1 John 3:2-3.