We welcome everyone to join us on Christmas Day morning at 10:30am for a short service to celebrate our Lord Jesus’ birth.
There was no live stream for this service, but a recording of the message is available here.
We welcome everyone to join us on Christmas Day morning at 10:30am for a short service to celebrate our Lord Jesus’ birth.
There was no live stream for this service, but a recording of the message is available here.
You are most welcome to join us on Sunday 19th December for our Christmas services.
At 11am we will be holding our Christmas family service, with carols and a short Christmas message from the Bible.
Later on, at 6pm, we will begin our annual Carols by Candlelight service. Come and join us as the church building is lit by candlelight for this special service as we remember our Saviour’s birth.
Complimentary refreshments will be served after both services, so please stay for a cup of coffee and a cake.
To keep everyone safe, we will be implementing Covid measures at both services.
If you are unable to join us in the church building for our Christmas services, you can still watch them online, via the live video streams below.
As part of our morning service we will be watching a short video. For technical reasons we cannot show this directly in the live stream. When we reach this point in the service, please watch the video directly on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Dbp24wZQa3Y
All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services. We will have a short time of fellowship after the service, with refreshments provided.
This morning we read from Ruth 4:13-22 – the marriage of Ruth and Boaz.
This evening we continue in the book of Acts, looking at Acts 8:27-28 and considering the challenges and blessings of walking by faith in the will of God.
All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services. We will have a short time of fellowship after the service, with refreshments provided.
This morning we read from Ruth 3:18 – 4:12. We will consider the actions of Boaz as he seeks to become Ruth’s kinsman redeemer.
This evening we return to Acts 8:9-25, and consider the evidence of whether Simon the magician became a true believer or not.
All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services. We will have a short time of fellowship after the service, with refreshments provided.
This morning we read from Ruth 2:22 – 3:18 and consider a woman of noble character…
This evening we we continue in Acts 8:5-25, looking at the case of Simon the magician and the Samaritans.
We hope you can join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services. We will have a short time of fellowship after the service, with refreshments provided.
This morning we read from Ruth 2:17-23 and consider those times where things “just so happened”… also known as the providence of God!
This evening we we turn to Acts 8:5-8 and look at how, under the influence of God’s providence, the Gospel started to spread beyond Jerusalem.
We are excited to be hosting an Answers In Genesis mini-conference on Saturday 4th December titled The Bible and Science.
The conference will feature two talks with a time for refreshments and an opportunity to purchase various books and resources from Answers In Genesis.
Session 1: “The Scoffers of Creation” – Simon Turpin
Session 2: “Refusing to be Silent on Biblical Creation” – Prof. Stuart Burgess
If you would like to advertise the meeting, you can download a printable flyer here.
Our morning service this Sunday (14th November) will start at the slightly earlier time of 10:50am. We will observing a two minute silence at 11am.
We hope you can join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services. We will have a short time of fellowship after the service, with refreshments provided.
This morning we read from Ruth 2:4-18 and look at three ways in which God provided for His people in this passage.
This evening we we turn to Acts 8:1-4 and consider how persecution of the early church caused a scattering, which ultimately led to the spread of the Gospel over a wide area.
Our morning service this Sunday (14th November) will start at the slightly earlier time of 10:50am. We will be observing a two minute silence at 11am to remember those who have fallen in the two World Wars and other conflicts.
We hope you can join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services. We will have a short time of fellowship after the service, with refreshments provided.
This morning we continue in the book of Ruth, turning to Ruth 1:22 – 2:13. We will be considering how God’s providence is at work in the lives of Ruth and Naomi.
This evening we will look at the final words of Stephen, found in Acts 7.