Sunday 24 March

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our morning stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am.

In the evening we will be listening to a pre-recorded message.

11am – Judas

This morning we turn to Mark 14: 1-21 where Judas, the disciple Judas is introduced. Who was Judas? Why did he betray Jesus? What made him a condemed man?

6pm – What does Jesus say?

In the evening we will be listening to a pre-recorded message from Truth for Life, based on John 1:43–51


Easter Treasure Hunt

Join us on Saturday 23rd March for an Easter Treasure Hunt around the village.

We will be hunting for clues and solving puzzles from 10:30am. Please stop by the church and pick up a treasure hunt sheet.

At 12pm we will be meeting at the church for answers, prizes and refreshments. Please join us there!

Sunday 17 March

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our morning stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am. Similarly our evening stream will start approximately 6:15pm.

11am – Watch and Pray

No one knows when the Lord Jesus is going to come again, Jesus encourages us to be ready. We turn to Mark 13:24-37 to read Jesus’ warnings and encouragements to His disciples.

6pm – Who’s in Charge?

We turn to Acts 21:27-22:2 where Paul causes a bit of an uproar in Jerusalem.

Sunday 10 March

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our morning stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am. Similarly our evening stream will start approximately 6:15pm.

11am – The Dark Days of our Age

Before the Lord Jesus comes again, there will be difficult and dark days. We turn to Mark 13:14-23 to read Jesus’ warnings and encouragements to His disciples.

6pm – Don’t Hinder the Gospel

We turn to Acts 21:15-26 where Paul completes his journey to Jerusalem and gives an account of it to the church there.

Sunday 3 March

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our morning stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am. Similarly our evening stream will start approximately 6:15pm.

11am – Suffering or peace?

This morning we turn to Mark 13:9-13 and consider Jesus’ warning to the disciples of what will happen as they preach the Gospel in the world.

6pm – The will of the Lord be done

We turn to Acts 21:1-14 where we see how the Apostle Paul faced suffering for Christ.

Sunday 25 February

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our morning stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am. Similarly our evening stream will start approximately 6:15pm.

11am – Peace in a Time of Trouble

This Sunday morning we turn to John 16:33 and consider how Christian can know peace during difficult times.

6pm – Music of Salvation

We read in Isaiah 55:12-13 of joy and music of salvation. How should God’s people respond to salvation?

Sunday 18 February

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our morning stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am. Similarly our evening stream will start approximately 6:15pm.

11am – Enduring to the End

We continue our study in Mark’s Gospel. This week we turn to Mark 13:1-13 and read what Jesus says about what His followers will face in the end times.

6pm – Paul the much-loved pastor

This evening we will consider the Apostle Paul as the church pastor. We will be thinking about how Paul loved the early church, how he lived and why he was loved by the Christians to whom he ministered. Our read is from Acts 20: 17-38.

Sunday 11 February

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our morning stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am. Similarly our evening stream will start approximately 6:15pm.

11am – Jesus our only Treasure

For our morning service we turn to Mark 13:1-2 and think about the superiority of eternal treasure in heaven to any found on earth.

6pm – Longing for the lost and building up the church

We turn to Acts 20:1-6 and consider how Paul went about strengthening believers in the early church.

Sunday 4 February

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our morning stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am. Similarly our evening stream will start approximately 6:15pm.

11am – Christ our Passover

We turn to Exodus 11:1 – 12:14 and hear about the first Passover. Our morning service will be led by Adrian Brake.

6pm – When all Seems Lost

As we read Psalm 22, we will consider the reactions of it’s author, King David, to the circumstances he found himself in. Our evening service will be led by Adrian Brake.