Sunday 16 April

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

We only plan to stream our morning service today. For our evening service we plan to watch a pre-recorded sermon from Truth for Life. Details below.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream morning stream will start when the sermon begins, around 11:20

11am – A Question that Demands an Answer

Our morning service will be led by Steve Greedy. We will be looking at the evidences for the resurrection.

6pm – The Incomparable Prophet

This evening we plan to watch a recorded sermon together. The sermon is available to watch online on by Truth For Life’s website.

Easter Sunday 2023

Please join us on 9th April for our Easter Sunday services as we remember the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is Risen!

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – He is Risen

This morning we will be reading from 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 as we remember the resurrection.

6pm – Why the Resurrection Matters

This evening we will continue to read from 1 Corinthians 15 and consider the importance of the resurrection to the Christian faith.

Good Friday Service

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Good Friday service, starting at 10:30am.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 10:45am.

We will be remembering our Saviour’s death on the Cross as our Substitute for sin. Our reading this morning will be from Isaiah 53 and various other passages of Scripture, considering Jesus’ prayers before, during and after the crucifixion.

Sunday 2 April

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – The Son of God becomes a Lamb

This morning we continue to study Isaiah 53 and consider how the Son of God became the Lamb of God.

6pm – Suffering on Three Fronts

This evening we will continue our study of Psalm 22, this time considering three different ways in which Jesus suffered on the cross to save us from our sins.

Sunday 26 March

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – Wounded for me

This morning we return to Isaiah 53 and consider how Jesus was wounded for the sins of His people.

6pm – Forsaken by God and Man

This evening we continue our mini series in Psalm 22. We will be reading Psalm 22:6-11 and considering how our Saviour was forsaken by both God and man.

Sunday 19 March

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – Looking unto Jesus

This morning we turn to the prophecy of the Sin-Bearing Messiah found in Isaiah 53.

Due to a technical issue, we were unable to stream our morning service today.

6pm – Forsaken

This evening we begin a new short series in Psalm 22, considering the prophecy of Jesus’ crucifixion.

Sunday 12 March

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – A Heart for God

This morning we turn to Exodus 12:29-41 and the departure of the Children of Israel from Egypt.

6pm – Let the People Praise You, O God

This evening we will be reading from Psalm 67.

Sunday 5 March

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – Passover

This morning we return to Exodus 12:14-20 and the institution of the Passover.

6pm – Whoever Believes on Him

This evening we continue in the first chapter of Ephesians, turning to verses 13-14 and a reminder of the Gospel.

Sunday 26 February

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved

This morning we turn to Exodus chapter 12, where the first Passover is instituted. We consider how the lamb killed at the Passover points to Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and the need of each person to believe on Him and be saved.

6pm – To the Praise of His Glory

This evening we return to the first chapter of Ephesians and consider how those who put their trust in the Lord Jesus are to be “to the praise of His glory.”

Sunday 19 February

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – The Last Plague

This morning we turn to Exodus 11 to read of the tenth and final plague.

6pm – In Him

We continue our study in the book of Ephesians. This evening we will be considering Ephesians 1:11.