This morning we continue in our study of Mark's Gospel, looking at Mark 8:34-9:1, thinking about how the power of God's kingdom is shown in Jesus
This morning we continue in our study of Mark's Gospel, looking at Mark 8:31-38, and thinking about the difficulties of being a follower of Jesus.
"Who do you say that I am?" was the question that Jesus posed His disciples in Mark 8:27-30. This question is remains one of utmost importance for all of us…
This morning we read about Jesus' healing of a blind man at Bethsaida, found in Mark 8:22-30.
This morning we return to Mark's gospel and consider Mark 8:13-30.
This morning we continue our series in Mark’s gospel, looking at Mark 8:1-13. We consider the compassion of Christ shown in the feeding of the 4,000.
This morning we return to our series in Mark's Gospel. We are looking at Mark 8:1-13 - the feeding of the 4000.
This morning we look Mark 7:31-37 and another miracle performed by our Lord Jesus.
This morning we continue to look at Jesus' encounter with the Syro-Phoenician woman in Mark 7:24-30
This morning we continue our study of Mark's gospel and Mark 7:24-31, where Jesus moves to the area of Tyre and Sidon and encounters a Syro-Phoenician woman.