This morning we return to Mark's Gospel and study Mark 7:14-23 and Jesus' discussion with the scribes and Pharisees
This Sunday morning we return to Mark's gospel and chapter 7 and consider Jesus's reaction to the teaching of the Pharisees.
This Sunday morning we return to Mark chapter 6 and Jesus' visit to Gennesaret in Mark 6:53 - 7:5 . We will consider the different reactions to Jesus and the…
This Sunday morning we continue our study of Mark’s Gospel, focusing on Mark 6:53-56 and a busy time in Jesus’ ministry.
This Sunday morning we return to Mark 6:45-52, for the second part of Jesus walking on water.
This morning we will continue our study of Mark's Gospel. We are in Mark chapter 6, where Jesus walks on water. Why is this miracle necessary for the disciples? See…
This morning we will continue our study of Mark's Gospel. This week we are in Mark 6; the feeding of the 5,000.
This morning we continue our study of Mark’s Gospel. This week we look at Mark 6:14-29 and the faithful life of John the Baptist.
This morning we continue our study of Mark's gospel. We will look at Jesus' sending out of the twelve disciples in Mark 6:7-13
This morning we return to our study of Mark's Gospel. We are looking at the account of Jesus visiting the synagogue in Nazareth, found in Mark 6:1-6