Sunday 20th June

Please join us in the church building for our Sunday morning and evening services. The services will also be streamed live on our YouTube Channel. Direct links to the streams can be found below:

11:00am – Feeding of the 4,000

This morning we return to our series in Mark’s Gospel. We are looking at Mark 8:1-13 – the feeding of the 4000.

6:00pm – Secret of being content?

This evening we read Philippians 4:10-13 and consider how Paul was able to remain content despite his circumstances.

Sunday 13th June

Please join us in the church building for our Sunday morning and evening services. The services will also be streamed live on our YouTube Channel. Direct links to the streams can be found below:

11:00am – How’s the check list going?

This morning we continue our mini series in Psalm 15, looking at the list of positives and negatives found in its five verses.

6:00pm – Maintaining peace with God

This evening we read Philippians 4:8-9 and consider Paul’s “final” remarks regarding what a Christian should fill their mind with.

Sunday 6th June

Please join us in the church building for our Sunday morning and evening services. The services will also be streamed live on our YouTube Channel. Direct links to the streams can be found below:

11:00am – Truth

This morning we will be reading from Psalm 15 and thinking about the topic of truth.

6:00pm – How to relieve stress and find peace?

This evening we read Philippians 4:4-7 and think about how the Christian can have peace.

Sunday 30th May

Please join us in the church building for our Sunday morning and evening services. The services will also be streamed live on our YouTube Channel. Direct links to the streams can be found below:

11:00am – Has your passport been stamped

This morning we consider the journey and destination of the Christian life.

6:00pm – Difficulties in the church?

This evening we look at an apparent difficulty in the Philippian church, which Paul addresses in Philippians 4:2-3.

Sunday 23rd May

Please join us in the church building for our Sunday morning and evening services. The services will also be streamed live on our YouTube Channel. Direct links to the streams can be found below:

11:00am – Making the Main Point, the Main Point

This morning we turn to Acts chapter 2 and Peter’s sermon at Pentecost. We look at Jesus Christ – the main point!

6:00pm – Stand Fast in the Lord

This evening we study Philippians chapter 3 and Paul’s encouragement to the believers in that church to “stand fast.”

Sunday 16th May

Please join us in the church building for our Sunday morning and evening services. The services will also be streamed live on our YouTube Channel. Direct links to the streams can be found below:

11:00am – We are His creative work

This morning we take a break from our study of Mark’s gospel to look at Ephesians 2:8-10. We will think about who Christians are and the purpose God has for each one.

6:00pm – Let this mind be in you

This evening we return Philippians chapter 3 and Paul’s call to each Christian to live a holy life.

Sunday 9th May

Please join us in the church building for our Sunday morning and evening services. The services will also be streamed live on our YouTube Channel. Direct links to the streams can be found below:

11:00am – He Does all things well

This morning we look Mark 7:31-37 and another miracle performed by our Lord Jesus.

6:00pm – Christians live in 3 time zones

This evening we continue our study in Philippians and look at Philippians 3:12-14. We will hear from Paul about his view of the past, present and future.

Sunday 2nd May

Please join us in the church building for our Sunday morning and evening services. The services will also be streamed live on our YouTube Channel. Direct links to the streams can be found below:

11:00am – The Syro-Phoenician woman pleads for her daughter

This morning we continue to look at Jesus’ encounter with the Syro-Phoenician woman in Mark 7:24-30.

6:00pm – Have no confidence in the flesh

This evening we return Philippians 3 and look at why Paul has “no confidence in the flesh”.

Sunday 25th April

You are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday morning and evening services. The services will also be streamed live on our YouTube Channel. Direct links to the streams can be found below:

11:00am – The Syro-Phoenician Woman

This morning we continue our study of Mark’s gospel and Mark 7:24-31, where Jesus moves to the area of Tyre and Sidon and encounters a Syro-Phoenician woman.

6:00pm – Rejoice in the Lord

This evening we return continue to study Philippians; moving into the third chapter, where Paul exhorts the Philippians Christians to “Rejoice in the Lord.” We will look at some of the reasons the Christian has to rejoice.

Sunday 18th April

You are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday morning and evening services. The services will also be streamed live on our YouTube Channel. Direct links to the streams can be found below:

11:00am – Stony-hearted Religion

In the morning we return to Mark’s Gospel and study Mark 7:14-23 and Jesus’ discussion with the scribes and Pharisees.

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6:00 pm – Epaphroditus

In the evening we return continue to study Philippians chapter 2. This week our focus is on Paul’s description of his fellow worker, Epaphroditus in Philippians 2:25-30.