Most churches at Easter will be focusing on a man called Jesus. In the services of Good Friday and Easter Sunday they will be seeking to answer two questions.
Who is Jesus and why did He have to die?
Who is Jesus?
The famous author and professor of English at Oxford University in the 1950’s C.S. Lewis wrote that there were only 3 possible conclusions that can be drawn from the life of Jesus; That He was bad, He was mad or He was God”. The Bible tells us very clearly that He was God.
Why did Jesus have to die?
The old Easter hymn “There is a green hill far away” has a verse which says.
“There was no other good enough
To pay the price of sin;
He only could unlock the gate
Of Heaven, and let us in.”
Since God is a holy God and will not look upon sin in Heaven, sin must be dealt with before anyone of us can go to Heaven. The only way that sin could be removed was for Jesus to take the punishment for our sins upon Himself by dying on the Cross.
Our Saviour’s death does not mean that everyone will automatically go to Heaven when they die. The Bible is clear the ones who will be in Heaven are those that believe and trust in Jesus.
If you want to know more about Jesus and the reason for Easter then please come along to our meetings.