Sunday 11th July

Please join us in the church building for our Sunday morning and evening services. The services will also be streamed live on our YouTube Channel. Direct links to the streams can be found below:

11:00am – Turn your eyes upon Jesus

This morning we return to Mark’s gospel and consider Mark 8:13-30.

6:00pm – Ups and Downs

This evening we turn to the book of Acts and look at the ups and downs of the early church.

Sunday 4th July Recorded Sermons

This Sunday morning our Pastor is having a well-earned break. The church building will be open as usual for worship at 11am and 6pm where we will be watching pre-the following recorded messages together.

Morning service: What will it Profit a man – Alistair Begg

Evening service: The Puritan View of Prayer: Taking Hold of God – Dr. Joel Beeke

Sunday 27th June

Please join us in the church building for our Sunday morning and evening services. The services will also be streamed live on our YouTube Channel. Direct links to the streams can be found below:

11:00am – The Compassionate Christ

This morning we continue our series in Mark’s gospel, looking at Mark 8:1-13 and considering the compassion of Christ.

6:00pm – Joy in Giving

This evening we read Philippians 4:14-19. We will look at how the Philippian church’s generosity was a joy and blessing both to Paul and to themselves.

Sunday 20th June

Please join us in the church building for our Sunday morning and evening services. The services will also be streamed live on our YouTube Channel. Direct links to the streams can be found below:

11:00am – Feeding of the 4,000

This morning we return to our series in Mark’s Gospel. We are looking at Mark 8:1-13 – the feeding of the 4000.

6:00pm – Secret of being content?

This evening we read Philippians 4:10-13 and consider how Paul was able to remain content despite his circumstances.

Pastor’s Desk

I think my father was conned into buying a set of encyclopaedias from ‘a door to door’ salesman. He had just become a father and he wanted his children to get a good start in life by being better educated. So into our home came a set of Arthur Mee’s, Childrens Encyclopaedias, they looked very impressive, expensive and out of date. I remember picking up one of the volumes and I turned to the section about space. There I read an article that told me that it would be extremely unlikely that men would be able to travel to the moon. When I read those words Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin had just walked on the moon. The volumes were out of date and to me untrustworthy. I am sure that when they were first written the knowledge within those volumes would probably be as up to date and as trustworthy as could be, but the world had moved on.

It seems to me that for most people the Bible is simply a strange book, a large book, to big to be read old book, certainly an interesting book, but one that should be put in a museum. How can, a book 2,000 years old be trustworthy? The world has moved on and we know better now.

As believers in Jesus, we don’t say that. The Bible is our primary source and authority; it is God’s Word to us and we know it to be utterly trustworthy. It is a true Word from God, that can never be outdated, always relevant in which God speaks to our world and ourselves each and every day.

Has modern man become immune to the Bible? Is this because people don’t see the Bible; this 2,000 year old book to have any relevance to their lives? It seems so. It also doesn’t help that many churches have lost confidence in the Bible when it comes to telling the Good News of Jesus, they prefer a ten minute motivational pep talk, films, drama, dance and even puppets to God’s Word. We have evangelistic courses, evangelistic films, evangelistic discussions, and evangelistic café rather than God’s Word preached from the Bible. If churches aren’t believing that the Bible is trustworthy and relevant why should the unbelieving world think otherwise.

The Bible and the preaching of the Bible is the normal and usual way that God brings people, through the work of the Holy Spirit to eternal life in Jesus.

It is time not only to tell the unbelieving world that God exists, but that He has a book that is trustworthy with His very own words; that they must read and hear and believe it to have to have eternity with Jesus.    

Sunday 13th June

Please join us in the church building for our Sunday morning and evening services. The services will also be streamed live on our YouTube Channel. Direct links to the streams can be found below:

11:00am – How’s the check list going?

This morning we continue our mini series in Psalm 15, looking at the list of positives and negatives found in its five verses.

6:00pm – Maintaining peace with God

This evening we read Philippians 4:8-9 and consider Paul’s “final” remarks regarding what a Christian should fill their mind with.

Pastor’s Desk

In June NASA the American space agency announced that it was planning two missions to the planet Venus. It is going to cost millions of pounds to do so.

But why do it? The answer from the NASA spokesman was that they wanted to find out why the planet has become what it is today?

Venus has been described as Earth’s evil twin. It is about the same size as our planet, it has a sulphurous atmosphere, the pressure on the surface of Venus is about 50 times that on Earth and it is hot, very hot there on Venus the metal lead would be liquid.

The obvious answer to NASA’s question [and you do not need millions of pounds to know it] is that it is to near the Sun. Venus is in the wrong place; whereas our planet is in the right place.

Scientist say that planet Earth is in the ‘Goldilocks Zone’ that is it is the correct distance away from the Sun to sustain life. More than that of course it has the best atmosphere for life to thrive and it is also just the right size to hold on to its atmosphere [unlike Mars]. Everything about our planet is just right.

Have you ever asked the question Why?

The Bible gives us the answer because life on Earth has been planned and created.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth.” Genesis Chapter 1 verse 1.

“Then God said, “Let there be . . . and there was.” Genesis chapter 1 verse 3.

Sunday 6th June

Please join us in the church building for our Sunday morning and evening services. The services will also be streamed live on our YouTube Channel. Direct links to the streams can be found below:

11:00am – Truth

This morning we will be reading from Psalm 15 and thinking about the topic of truth.

6:00pm – How to relieve stress and find peace?

This evening we read Philippians 4:4-7 and think about how the Christian can have peace.

Sunday 30th May

Please join us in the church building for our Sunday morning and evening services. The services will also be streamed live on our YouTube Channel. Direct links to the streams can be found below:

11:00am – Has your passport been stamped

This morning we consider the journey and destination of the Christian life.

6:00pm – Difficulties in the church?

This evening we look at an apparent difficulty in the Philippian church, which Paul addresses in Philippians 4:2-3.

Sunday 23rd May

Please join us in the church building for our Sunday morning and evening services. The services will also be streamed live on our YouTube Channel. Direct links to the streams can be found below:

11:00am – Making the Main Point, the Main Point

This morning we turn to Acts chapter 2 and Peter’s sermon at Pentecost. We look at Jesus Christ – the main point!

6:00pm – Stand Fast in the Lord

This evening we study Philippians chapter 3 and Paul’s encouragement to the believers in that church to “stand fast.”