We read 1 John 1:5 and consider what the Apostle John meant when he wrote, “God is Light”.
We start a new series in 1 John, reading from 1 John 1:1-2 as we consider who Jesus is and what the Apostle John wants to tell us about Him.
We turn to Luke 24:13-32 and think about the encounter between the risen Jesus and two disciples on the Road to Emmaus.
For our Good Friday message, we consider three miracles that happened while Jesus was on the cross.
This morning we turn to Mark 14:1-21 where Judas, the disciple Judas is introduced. Who was Judas? Why did he betray Jesus? What made him a condemed man?
For our morning service we turn to Mark 13:1-2 and think about the superiority of eternal treasure in heaven to any found on earth.
We turn to Mark 12:35-44, where we see the humanity and Deity of Jesus displayed in the question Jesus poses.
This morning we continue to look at Mark 12:28-37 and consider Jesus' answer to the scribe who asked, "Which is the first commandment of all?"
We return to Mark 12:28-37 where Jesus is questioned by a scribe about the greatest commandment.
We return to our series in Mark's Gospel. This week we will be reading about the first commandment: "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. And…