Sunday 25 September

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – Throwing down the Challenge

This morning we join Moses an Aaron as they come into Pharaoh’s presence again, this time with a challenge and signs from God. How will Pharaoh react?

6pm – Confusion

This evening we see how opposition arose to Paul and Barnabas as they preached in the city of Lystra.

Sunday 18 September

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am.

Please note that this Sunday evening there will be no service online or in the building because we are meeting with the Bristol Romanian Church.

11am – Serving the Lord at any age

This morning we turn to Exodus chapters 6 and 7. Moses has suffered an apparent setback in what he has been called to do, but we will see that is is all part of God’s plan. We will see how serving God is a lifelong calling and doesn’t always come with the instant results we want.

Sunday 11 September

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

Morning Service – Moses, Priest and Prophet

This morning we return to Exodus chapter six and see how Moses was both a priest and prophet of God.

Evening service – Persecutions, souls saved

This evening we read from Acts 14:1-21, where Paul and Barnabas visit the cities of Iconium, Lystra and Derbe. We will see both great persecution and great blessing in this chapter.

My Testimony

I had a happy childhood but none of the family thought about God at all. At 17 I was asked out by a Christian guy. As we got to know each other he tried to talk to me about God but I really wasn’t interested, in fact I began to get angry when he suggested that all was not well between God and me. I just didn’t want to think about it.

Being dragged (almost literally!) into church was odd. I quite enjoyed the service! From there I began to consider God’s claims on my life but after a few weeks decided that following Christ was too big a step and not for me. However, God had other ideas! During an afternoon chat I suddenly felt an overwhelming desire to get down on my knees. I fought tooth and nail – but lost. David prayed over me and suddenly – I guess I’m a Christian.

I found myself wanting to read the Bible and pray, neither of which I’d had any interest in before. It was about 3 months later, going to church and learning about this God who had called me to himself that I began to realise that sin is a complete barrier between God and human beings. My life was outwardly respectable but inside it was always me first and the Bible calls that sin.

That was 40 years ago and God has been beside me all the way since. In the inevitable difficult times it’s been so good to know that I can trust him, that nothing happens just by blind chance. I have a prayer answering God who loves me.


Sunday 28 August

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – Everyone needs Encouragement

This morning we read about God’s renewed promise to His people, Israel, found in Exodus 6:1-5.

6pm – How did Paul Preach?

This evening we turn to Acts 13, where Paul addresses the synagogue in Antioch.

Sunday 21 August

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – Battle Lines

This morning we read about Moses and Aaron’s first encounter with Pharoah found in Exodus 5.

6pm – Into Battle

This evening we join Paul on his first missionary journey as he sails to Cyprus.

Sunday 14 August

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – Meetings

This morning we return to Moses, as he returns to Egypt with his brother, Aaron. How will those he meets with react to the message he received from God?

6pm – A big hole to file

We turn to the book of Acts this evening and chapter 13. Here we find the focus of the book moves from the Jerusalem church to mission to reach the Gentile world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Sunday 7 August

Note that we have recently changed our livestreaming format. We will only be live streaming the reading and sermon.

This means that the streams will start at approximately 11:30am and 6:30pm. If you join after this point, you can use the controls to rewind to the start of the stream.

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services.

11am – Disobedience is Dangerous

This morning we return to Exodus chapter 4 and look at a somewhat mysterious passage in Exodus 4:24-26.

For those watching online, the stream will start at approximately 11:30am.

6pm – Herod

This morning we turn to Acts 12 and consider the persecution of the early church under Herod.

For those watching online, the stream will start at approximately 6:30pm.

Sunday 31 July

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services.

Today our pastor is taking a well-earned Sunday off and we will be meeting to watch some pre-recorded sermons by Willie Philip from The Tron Church in Glasgow. Links to the sermons can be found below. There will be no live streams of the services this morning or evening.

We will have a short time of fellowship after the service, with refreshments provided.

Morning service

Preparing for Judgement 3. Responsiveness: right attitudes until the last day. The reading is from Matthew 24:45 – 25:30

Evening service

Preparing for Judgment – By Listening to Jesus the Judge of All 4. Righteousness: Real Exposure on the Last Day. The reading is from Matthew 25:32-46

Sunday 24 July

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services. We will have a short time of fellowship after the service, with refreshments provided.

11am – Returning to Egypt

This morning we return to the book of Exodus as Moses prepares to leave the wilderness and return to Egypt to face Pharaoh.

6pm – A Strange Providence

This morning we turn to Acts 12 and look at the strange providences that affected the early church. With blessing came persecution.