Sunday 12 February

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – Darkness

We turn to Exodus chapter 10 this morning, where we read of the ninth plague; total darkness. How will Pharaoh react?

6pm – The Plan

This evening we turn again to Ephesians chapter one. We will be considering God the Father’s plan of salvation from Ephesians 1:10.

Sunday 5 February

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – An Invitation to Accept

This morning we turn to Matthew 11 and consider Jesus’ invitation to, “Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

6pm – Well-known Bible Sayings…

This evening we will study some familiar passages of Scripture.

Sunday 29 January

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – Leaving a Spiritual Inheritance

This morning we continue our study in the book of Exodus, reading from Exodus 10:1-20. We will be considering the purpose of the plagues sent to Egypt.

6pm – God’s Good Pleasure

This evening we return to Ephesians chapter 1 and verses 8-9. We will think about some of the spiritual blessing that the Christian has received in Jesus Christ and why God has chosen to give them.

Sunday 22 January

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – Fear God not Man

This morning we continue our study in the book of Exodus, reading from Exodus 9:27-35.

6pm – Redemption

This evening we return to Ephesians chapter 1 and verse 7. What does it mean for the Christian to have redemption in Jesus Christ?

Sunday 15 January

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – The Seventh Plague

This morning we continue to look at the plagues sent upon Pharaoh and all Egypt in Exodus 9:18 – 34. We will be considering the warning, plague and response to the seventh plague – hail.

6pm – In The Beloved

This evening we read Ephesians 1:6 and consider how Christians should view Jesus Christ and how God the Father views Him as His beloved Son.

Sunday 8 January

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – Sixth Plague

This morning we continue our series in the book of Exodus. Our reading this morning in from Exodus 9:8-12; the sixth plague. Please note that our live stream will start when the sermon begins. This is usually around 11:30am.

6pm – God’s Good Pleasure

This evening we return to Ephesians chapter 1 and verses 4-6. How and why does God adopt Christians as His sons and daughters?

Sunday 1 January

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services at 11am and 6pm.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – Fifth Plague

This morning we return to our series in the book of Exodus. We will be reading from Exodus 9:1-12; the fifth plague. Here the Lord makes a clear distinction between His people and the Egyptians.

6pm – Chosen

This evening we return to our series in Ephesians. We will consider Ephesians 1:4 – what does it mean that God chose Christians before the foundation of the world?

Sunday 11 December

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – How to get to the top

This morning we turn to Psalm 24:3, where the psalmist asks, “Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place?”.

Our service this morning will be led by Jonathan West.

6pm – Forgiveness

This evening we consider the critical topic of forgiveness…

Our service this evening will be led by Graham Hoyle.

Sunday 4 December

All are welcome to join us in the church building for our Sunday worship services.

For those joining us online, please note that our stream will start when the sermon begins, at approximately 11:30am and 6:20am.

11am – Visiting Romans

This morning we will take a short visit to Romans 1:1-19.

6pm – The Kingdom is Precious

This evening we turn to Matthew 13:44-46; two parables that Jesus taught about the Kingdom of Heaven.