This morning we continue our journey towards Easter, turning to Jesus’ prayer John 17:1-5.
This morning we read from Jesus’ discussion with his disciples in Mark 10:32-45.
This morning we turn to Mark 10:32-34, where Jesus starts to travel towards Jerusalem, knowing all that awaits Him there.
This morning we return to our study of Mark’s Gospel. We will be reading from Mark 10:28-31 and looking at what happens when you believe in Jesus.
This morning we continue reading from Mark 10 and verses 17-22. We will consider the rich young ruler's interaction with the Lord Jesus.
This morning we turn to Mark 10:13-16 where children are brought to Jesus.
This morning we return to Mark 10:1-12 to hear what Jesus taught about marriage.
This morning Pastor Mike Leaves returns to our series on Mark's Gospel, resuming at chapter 10. We will look at Jesus' response to the Pharisees' question about divorce.
This morning we return to our study of Mark's gospel and chapter 9:14-29. We will be thinking about the Christian's absolute dependency on Jesus.
This evening we continue our study of the book of Acts. This week we look at the Apostles' and church's response to the Jewish authorities in Acts 4:13-31.