We turn to Luke 24:13-32 and think about the encounter between the risen Jesus and two disciples on the Road to Emmaus.
This evening we continue our theme from the morning service and consider how Jesus' resurrection brought promotion, partnership and privilege.
We turn to John 20:19-21 and consider the peace, proof and pleasure that Jesus' resurrection brought.
In Mark 12:18-27 Jesus engages with the Saduccees as they question him about the resurrection. Why does Jesus engage with their non-genuine question? What can we learn from His response…
This morning we look at the evidences for the resurrection
This morning we will be reading from 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 as we remember the resurrection.
This evening we will continue to read from 1 Corinthians 15 and consider the importance of the resurrection to the Christian faith.
Welcome to our Easter Sunday morning service, where we celebrate that Jesus Christ is risen!
This evening we return to the book of Acts and chapter 4:32-37. We will be looking at the community which formed the early church, as described in this chapter.
Welcome to our morning service on Easter Sunday. He is risen! Please join us as we celebrate our Saviour's resurrection.