From the Pastor’s Desk

Just what is wrong with people?

The news outlets are full of bad news. Knife attacks in Bristol, football fans fighting in a ‘Black Country’ derby between West Brom and Wolves, drone attacks on a U.S army base in Jordan and endless deaths and destruction in Gaza and Ukraine.

If you had read all this in a book you might be tempted to think that this is just fiction, not real life.

So, what is wrong with our world?

This is nothing new to our world, the only difference is that we can get the news of these events almost instantaneous and from every part of the world.

It has always been like this right from the beginning of the existence of men and women. It is called sin!

Now this is a word that people do not like and often people try to explain it away, “it’s a mental illness”, “it is because of pollution,” “it is a lack of moral leadership”,” we need better role models to show us how to live”. None of this is the answer.

People are just prone to doing bad things at some time in their lives. The Bible, God’s book, tells us that we all sin. [Romans chapter 3 verse 23]. However, the Bible also has the answer to our sin problem and He is Jesus. The Bible tells us “The wages of sin is death” [and death happens to all of us because we are sinners], “But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” [Romans chapter 6 verse 23].

If you want to know more, why not come along to one of our meetings.