This evening we Benjamin Saunders will be preaching from Philippians 4:6 on the subject of stop worring and start praying.
This morning we welcome our guest speaker, Steve Foley. Steve will be preaching from Philippians 3 on the theme, "Don't look back - look forward!"
This evening we read Philippians 4:14-19. We will look at how the Philippian church’s generosity was a joy and blessing both to Paul and to themselves.
This evening we read Philippians 4:10-13 and consider how Paul was able to remain content despite his circumstances.
This evening we read Philippians 4:8-9 and consider Paul’s “final” remarks regarding what a Christian should fill their mind with.
This evening we read Philippians 4:4-7 and think about how the Christian can have peace.
This evening we look at an apparent difficulty in the Philippian church, which Paul addresses in Philippians 4:2-3.
This evening we study Philippians chapter 3 and Paul's encouragement to the believers in that church to "stand fast."
This evening we return Philippians chapter 3 and Paul's call to each Christian to live a holy life.
This evening we return Philippians chapter 3 and consider Paul's perspective of the past, present and future.