This evening we continue our theme from the morning service and consider how Jesus' resurrection brought promotion, partnership and privilege.
We turn to John 20:19-21 and consider the peace, proof and pleasure that Jesus' resurrection brought.
This Sunday morning we turn to John 16:33 and consider how Christian can know peace during difficult times.
Come and join with us to celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ - God with us! Our readings are from John 1:1-14 and Galatians 4:4-5.
When a woman caught in adultery is brought before Jesus in John 8:3-12, we consider how Jesus responds to both to her and her accusers.
This evening we countinue our mini series on encounters with Jesus. This week we consider the Samaritan woman who met Jesus by the well in John 4:1-30.
We will be remembering our Saviour's death on the Cross as our Substitute for sin. Our reading this morning will be from Isaiah 53 and various other passages of Scripture,…
Welcome to our Christmas Day service as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, Saviour of the World.
This morning we read from Psalm 2 and John 15:17- 16:3 and consider persecution - what is it and why are Christian's persecuted?
This morning we turn to John 21:1-17 and look at Jesus's relationship with His disciples as seen in this passage.