Come and join with us to celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ - God with us! Our readings are from John 1:1-14 and Galatians 4:4-5.
What does Christmas mean to you? Come and hear about God's plan, thousands of year in the making, to save His people. Our reading this evening is from Matthew 1:18-25
This Sunday morning we are going to think about what Christmas means in the materialistic and Biblical worldviews. Our reading this morning will be Luke 2:8-16.
For our Carols by Candlelight service, we will be turning to Luke 2:10-11 and considering the message given to the Shepherds by the angels.
As we prepare to celebrate Christ's first coming, we turn to Matthew 24:36-44 and consider how we should prepare for His second coming.
Can you preach the Christmas story from the Old Testament? We turn to various Scriptures in Isaiah and Micah to hear the foretelling of the birth of Christ.
Welcome to our Christmas Day service as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, Saviour of the World.
Welcome to our Carols by Candlelight service. This evening we will be returning to read from Luke 2:8-15 to consider the angels who announced Jesus Christ’s birth.
Welcome to our Christmas Family Service. This morning we will be reading from Luke 2:1-21 and thinking about the Shepherds who visited Jesus after His birth.
Welcome to our Boxing day service. We look at Galatians 4:4-5 and the "who, why and when" of the Lord Jesus' birth.