This morning we look at two Names of our Lord Jesus, given before His birth in Matthew 1:21-23 - Immanuel and Jesus.
In Mark 12:18-27 Jesus engages with the Saduccees as they question him about the resurrection. Why does Jesus engage with their non-genuine question? What can we learn from His response…
This morning we turn to Jesus' debate with the Pharisees over the paying of taxes to Rome in Mark 12:14-17.
We turn again to Mark 12:13-17 and consider the deception of the Pharisees.
We turn to Mark 12:13 where the Pharisees and Herodians attempt to catch Jesus out by what He says. What can we learn from their behaviour and from Jesus' response?
We continue our mini-series of encounters with Jesus. This week we turn to Luke 23:1-25, where Jesus encounters Pontius Pilate.
This morning we turn to Mark 12:1-12 for the parable of the vineyard tenants.
When a woman caught in adultery is brought before Jesus in John 8:3-12, we consider how Jesus responds to both to her and her accusers.
We turn to Mark 11:27-33, where a group of scribes question Jesus' authority. What does Jesus' response show about who He is?
This evening we countinue our mini series on encounters with Jesus. This week we consider the Samaritan woman who met Jesus by the well in John 4:1-30.